C-P Systems – An organic and diverse
engineering consulting firm for over 25 years
C-P Systems started operating in 1995 when a drafter/designer and chemical engineer from the 3M Chemical Division recognized the chance to utilize their skillset to support other industries. Since then, our customer base has increased to include Fortune 500 and smaller companies throughout a wide range of markets, while still focusing on our core specialty chemical companies, including 3M.
Over time we have attracted designers and engineers from different backgrounds to form a distinguished group with strong credentials for creative yet practical solutions. This has allowed us to diversify in engineering disciplines, industries, as well as customer base, always driven by our values.

Our Values
Ethics and safety remain our top priorities in everything we do. We strive to work through all possible solutions with transparency for our customers.
Quality and Safety
Above all else, the safe operation of your process and the accurate results it produces is of the highest importance. We assure that no necessary steps are skipped, and that the most efficient path is taken toward a successful project.
Our job is to make your life easier. We involve the customer in the design as much as they want to be involved, allowing them to focus on other aspects of the project concurrently. The final product is a collaborative design, where we do the heavy lifting.
Technical Acuity
We stay up to date on the latest industrial innovations, incorporating these technologies as applicable. We maintain the highest level of technical insight by employing the most qualified and experienced industry experts amongst our team.
Employee Loyalty
Consistency is paramount in context to process stability. Having team members move in and out of the company affects this. We aim to hire for the long haul, so our team’s involvement adds value during and after project completion.
Why Work With C-P Systems?
Efficient Approach
Our design and engineering experience has prepared us to move through a process in the most efficient way possible. We understand data gathering by our customers is time-consuming, and so we come prepared, asking the right questions ahead of time. This way, we get to the critical path quickly for proper downstream project management.

From mentorship to the highest levels of consultation, we complement existing skill sets to become indispensable, seamless members of their team. Our clients feel comfortable knowing their needs and requirements are our highest priority.
We hold no formal or informal ties to vendors we work with, which allows us to consistently choose the best and most optimal product for the project at hand. With our unbiased approach to procuring necessary products and services, we ensure the needs of our clients are met with sincerity and honesty.
Lasting Impact
C-P Systems has made lasting, positive impacts to our customers’ work for over 25 years. We understand we are only as good as our last project, and take pride in helping make each and every project one where our clients’ jobs are made easier.